CBRS Certified Professional Installer (CPI) Learning and Training

Expand your skills by becoming a Certified Professional Installer (CPI) for CBRS deployments.

CPI Recertification.

If you are certified as a CBRS CPI in 2019, your digital certificate will expire this year. Check your certificate’s Not Valid After date and renew it in advance of its expiration date! Smaller wording: No matter where you got your CPI certificate, we make recertification easy! Add the certificate renewal to your shopping cart and check out. Simple as that! Once you are CPI certified with Federated Wireless, our industry leading CPI certification support team will be there when you need us.

CPI Recertification Here

Our CBRS CPI training program.
Your added expertise.

Our comprehensive CBRS online training program was developed to shape the future of shared spectrum success. It is for Executives, Managers, Engineers and Technicians who are responsible for the solution delivery, design, optimization or monitoring of their organization’s CBRS network. It is designed as a set of interactive modules with quizzes, and is accessible online on the learner’s choice of device.

Courses overview

Introduction to CBRS

This free course is designed to provide an executive overview of CBRS.

  • Introduction to the Citizen Broadband Radio Service (CBRS)
Register here

Mastering CBRS

This course is designed for those who need to master CBRS but do not need the certification.

  • Introduction to the Citizen Broadband Radio Service (CBRS)
  • Introduction to Spectrum Access System (SAS)
  • Working with a Citizens Broadband Service Device (CBSD)
  • Federated Wireless Spectrum Controller
Register here

CPI Testing and Certification

Expand your market reach by adding certified CBRS installation to your skill set.

  • Introduction to the Citizen Broadband Radio Service (CBRS)
  • Introduction to Spectrum Access System (SAS)
  • Working with a Citizens Broadband Service Device (CBSD)
  • Installing the Federated Wireless Spectrum Controller
  • Getting Your CPI Certification
Register here

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training a team?

Speak to one of our specialists to get started.