Unlocking the Value of Generative AI in Wireless 5G Networks: The Federated Wireless Approach

By: Iyad Tarazi, CEO of Federated Wireless As an innovator and leader in Shared Spectrum technology, Federated Wireless is at the forefront of advancements in the wireless 5G industry, including…


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Phone sending out a signal in a matrix styled shopping mall.

6 Key Considerations for Determining Your Private Network Needs

Private wireless network is becoming increasingly popular in today’s connected world, as organizations and enterprises seek more secure and reliable alternatives to public networks. What is a Private Wireless Network? A private wireless network is a dedicated network that allows…

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From the AWS Studio at MWC Barcelona 2023: Private Wireless Networks of the Future

Nothing beats bringing together the brightest minds in cloud networking and observability for a conversation about the future of private wireless. At Mobile World Congress Barcelona 2023, our Chief Technology Officer, Kurt Schaubach, and our Chief Development Officer, Sepehr Mehrabanzad,…

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Making Waves at Mobile World Congress Barcelona 2023

Our successful visit to Mobile World Congress (MWC) Barcelona 2023 made one thing clear: private wireless and shared spectrum have truly “arrived” … and nothing can stop our momentum in this space. Alongside our partners at AWS, we issued key…

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How Wi-Fi 6E Proliferation Can Lead to Better-Performing Wi-Fi Networks

This article originally appeared in Light Reading, here. From its earliest days, the Wi-Fi industry has had a kind of frontier mentality when it came to managing unlicensed airspace: “Let device makers do as they please,” the thinking went, “and…

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Welcome to the New World of Private Wireless Networking

This article originally appeared in Network Computing, here. Any enterprise today can build a 5G private wireless network quickly and easily, thanks to the introduction of cloud-native network architecture. There’s a new generation of wireless networking technologies that remove many…

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Digital Transformation: Private 5G with Cloud, Edge, and IoT

This article originally appeared on Spiceworks.com, here. New cloud, edge, and IoT applications can really transform businesses in powerful ways. But if you want to get the most from new investments in these areas, make sure you’re taking a hard…

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A Match Made In Spectrum

This article originally appeared in ISE, here. Private LTE/5G network deployments are increasing across the globe. Analysys Mason analysts, Ibraheem Kasujee and Michele Mackenzie, forecast the number of these networks to grow at a CAGR of 65% between 2021 and 2027. They expect…

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The Future of Private Wireless Runs Through CBRS

This article originally appeared in RCR Wireless, here. Back in 2012, when the industry first began exploring private cellular networks, the future seemed wide open—in every sense. On one hand, we could imagine seemingly unlimited ways in which enterprises could…

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Reshape the Wireless Ecosystem with Citizens Broadband Radio Service

This article originally appeared in RCR Wireless, here. How do you measure the success of a new technology? Do you review adoption numbers? User satisfaction? What about the ecosystem that builds around the technology including equipment manufacturers and solution providers?…

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